‘Mama, baby!'
Hero Parrot Saves Little Girl

A parrot in Denver, USA whose cries of alarm alerted his owner when a little girl choked on her breakfast has been honored as a hero.
Willie, a Quaker parrot, has been given the local Red Cross chapter's Animal Lifesaver Award.
In November 2008, Willie's owner, Megan Howard, was baby-sitting for a toddler. Howard left the room and the little girl, Hannah, started to choke on her breakfast.
Megan recalls, “While I was in the bathroom, Willie started screaming like I'd never heard him scream before and he started flapping his wings. Then he started saying 'mama baby' over and over and over again until I rushed and looked at Hannah and Hannah's face was turning blue. Willie saved the day.”
Willie, a Quaker parrot, has been given the local Red Cross chapter's Animal Lifesaver Award.
In November 2008, Willie's owner, Megan Howard, was baby-sitting for a toddler. Howard left the room and the little girl, Hannah, started to choke on her breakfast.
Megan recalls, “While I was in the bathroom, Willie started screaming like I'd never heard him scream before and he started flapping his wings. Then he started saying 'mama baby' over and over and over again until I rushed and looked at Hannah and Hannah's face was turning blue. Willie saved the day.”
Howard saved Hannah by performing the Heimlich maneuver. This first aid procedure involves dislodging an obstruction from a person's windpipe by applying a sudden strong pressure to the abdomen.
Baby Hannah's mother, Samantha recalls, "The part where she turned blue is always when my heart drops no matter how many times I've heard it, My heart drops in my stomach and I get all teary eyed."
Willie the parrot got his award during a "Breakfast of Champions" event which was attended by the Governor. Megan is pictured here with her parrot.
Baby Hannah's mother, Samantha recalls, "The part where she turned blue is always when my heart drops no matter how many times I've heard it, My heart drops in my stomach and I get all teary eyed."
Willie the parrot got his award during a "Breakfast of Champions" event which was attended by the Governor. Megan is pictured here with her parrot.