Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind.
I am astonished that “scientists” are surprised that animals may actually have feelings and emotions. Perhaps the blinkers are at last beginning to come off - it’s long been the human animal that is devoid of emotion.
I think that in 100 years, people will look back in wonder that we could not recognize animal’s feelings and view it as we now view historical figures who thought that Native Americans had no souls, or that slavery was God’s plan. This blindness is the same factor that prevents us from recognizing the humanity of those with whom we go to war. In order to continue to believe in a moral world (that conveniently works to our advantage), we have to devalue those whom we exploit or kill for resources.
Of course animals are sentient beings! It is only the desire to maximise profit and fill the supermarket shelves which has led to animals being kept in abysmal concentration-camp style factory farms. Here they lead a bleak short life without natural sunlight, food pumped full of growth hormones and kept in unnatural conditions. The journey to the slaughter house entails further suffering - packed onto lorries, shamelessly squashed together and often, shipped abroad for slaughter in foreign abattoirs where their short lives are ended in barbaric ways...
It is human arrogance which has led us to wrongly assume that only we are capable of emotions! Animals love, feel pain, joy and depression like us. What a shame that the meat industry chooses to ignore this fact in the name of profit.
How egocentric of humans to think we are the only beings who can think, feel, bond with others etc. As the “dominating” species, we have a responsibility to care for and protect the entire planet, including the other animals.
Those who describe animals as not having any thoughts or feelings come closer to that description than the animals they’re trying to describe.
I find it enormously puzzling that extreme suffering only gets widely questioned if it is the suffering of members of the human species. It is extraordinary how many people just accept the appalling treatment of such a vast number of animals.
Animals have souls and we have a duty to respect them! Anything less is to deny one’s humanity and one’s own soul!
I’m afraid that our feelings of superiority are taught by our elitist religions. Fortunately, animals have no such absurd impediments.
I think that in 100 years, people will look back in wonder that we could not recognize animal’s feelings and view it as we now view historical figures who thought that Native Americans had no souls, or that slavery was God’s plan. This blindness is the same factor that prevents us from recognizing the humanity of those with whom we go to war. In order to continue to believe in a moral world (that conveniently works to our advantage), we have to devalue those whom we exploit or kill for resources.
Of course animals are sentient beings! It is only the desire to maximise profit and fill the supermarket shelves which has led to animals being kept in abysmal concentration-camp style factory farms. Here they lead a bleak short life without natural sunlight, food pumped full of growth hormones and kept in unnatural conditions. The journey to the slaughter house entails further suffering - packed onto lorries, shamelessly squashed together and often, shipped abroad for slaughter in foreign abattoirs where their short lives are ended in barbaric ways...
It is human arrogance which has led us to wrongly assume that only we are capable of emotions! Animals love, feel pain, joy and depression like us. What a shame that the meat industry chooses to ignore this fact in the name of profit.
How egocentric of humans to think we are the only beings who can think, feel, bond with others etc. As the “dominating” species, we have a responsibility to care for and protect the entire planet, including the other animals.
Those who describe animals as not having any thoughts or feelings come closer to that description than the animals they’re trying to describe.
I find it enormously puzzling that extreme suffering only gets widely questioned if it is the suffering of members of the human species. It is extraordinary how many people just accept the appalling treatment of such a vast number of animals.
Animals have souls and we have a duty to respect them! Anything less is to deny one’s humanity and one’s own soul!
I’m afraid that our feelings of superiority are taught by our elitist religions. Fortunately, animals have no such absurd impediments.